
Now that the school year is in full swing students should remember our theme for the year which is to show "Respect, Cooperation, and Support" to peers and adults.  Adhering to this theme will ensure success.

Instructional Binder: All students should be familiar with using their Instructional Binders that contain the student planner.  All students are encouraged to keep up their daily agendas in their student planners by writing down class topic, objective, lessons, assessments, and homework.  7th grade students in particular should focus on writing everything down as this is new for them due to the transition from 6th grade into 7th grade. 

Student Behavior Expectations:  Students are expected to meet behavior expectations each day and to have a clean behavior chart at the end of each month.  This shows that students have no infractions that have been listed.  All students meeting this monthly goal earn the reward of attending the student citizenship luncheon hosted by Mr. Brad Watson, principal, and Mrs. Blanca Sahagun, title I teacher.  Students who are not on the no participation list as verified by the vice principal Mr. Enrique Avalos will be able to continue to qualify to participate in school dances, field trips, and other incentives/rewards programs. 

Homework, Quizzes/Tests, and Benchmark Assessments:  Students are encouraged to continue demonstrating what they know about the curriculum as measured by quizzes, tests, and assessments.  Doing so will enable students to increase their grade point averages (GPA) and thus qualify to attend the honor roll field trip if they have earned a 3.0 GPA or better.